LEGO supermarket – finally finished

As mentioned yesterday, Laura and I are spending this weekend in the company of fellow AFOLs at the convention of the Danish AFOL association. Apart from the official stuff (general assembly), there’s a huge MOC competition in which everyone is encouraged to participate. So in spite of our newbie status, Laura and I brought contributions. Laura will tell you about her MOC soon – the cutest little church from her home island. Mine is a supermarket, which you can check out (!) right here:
The overall layout.

The front where I (my sigfig) just came out from the butcher’s with my brand new sausage!





I’d love to hear what you think!

Liverpool LEGO Store haul

I’m in Liverpool with a group of students, and had to visit the LEGO Store in town of course. It wasn’t really any different from the Danish one – not even the pick-a-brick wall had anything special. Only the minifig stand had some other parts than the Copenhagen store.
I did, however, get one cheap Friends polybag and one for free. And buy both an ice cream and a lemonade stand, which I look forward to integrating in the gourmet LEGO city, Neufalkenburg.


Funday Sun with LEGO cargo train

Today I finally had a whole afternoon for LEGO! Several months ago, Laura found the 7939 Cargo Train on discount and bought one for each of us, Today was the day I finally built it!

When building with legos I like sitting right in the middle of it all on the floor.

With this set in particular that is an awesome feeling since there are sooooo many parts and bags! There are eight bags and six instruction leaflets.

And also a s***load of stickers which I have quite ambiguous feelings about. I absolutely hate putting them on, but love the looks of it when they are finally in place.
Unfortunately, that rare thing that we all dread occured today; not just one brick but several were missing!! My theory is that one of the tiny bags with little pieces within bag number 5 was missing. All the missing parts – no less than 22 pieces – were quite small; the largest being the car door piece. Without them, I couldn’t build the train wagon for transporting the two smartcar-resembling cars or the cars themselves. Quite a disappointment.

BUT, I built the rest AND combined this set with the tracks from both the red passenger train set (7938), the train station (7937) and the switching tracks (7895). This was my longest ever train track. And I loved it 😉


Ill, but in good company

Today, I had to stay home from work because of a nasty cold. Luckily, Laura and her sister (who was also ill) had time to come by and entertain me. Though my hands were clumsy and my energy level low, we managed to fill the whole table:


Laura had even bought a ‘sick kit’ for me containing fresh, organic apple juice, chocolate covered almonds and – not least – an awesome LEGO city mining set! The 4201, tipper and loader.


LEGO Supermarket MOC – idea phase

Using the LEGO Digital Designer software, I played around with the idea of building a LEGO supermarket. Today I will show you some pictures of the virtual project as an appetizer – the real thing is bigger, has more minifigs and is much more detailed!

LEGO MOC supermarket cashier

LEGO supermarket delikatessen

LEGO supermarket groceries

LEGO supermarket

LEGO supermarket shoppers

LEGO supermarket MOC