I’ll be the judge of that

Today the Brick Fest was open to the public and about a 1000 dropped by. Laura and I had the honour of judging a children’s competition and I took a picture of the proud winner:

She’s holding both her prize (right side) and her winning lion. Not only does it have a cute 2D face, it also has a 3D body with paws and everything. Well done!

LEGO name tag fruit salad

As promised yesterday, here’s a photo of the name tag of a high ranking (i.e. dedicated) LEGO fan. I think it resembles military decorations, called ‘fruit salad’ with a slang word.

Thanks to Jesper Thuesen for letting me take the picture!

Pictures from the 2014 Brick Fest in Roskilde, Denmark.

As Marie wrote yesterday, we are at the Brick Fest in the Danish city of Roskilde. If the name sounds familiar it could be because you know Roskilde Festival, one of Europe’s biggest music festivals.
But this weekend it is all about LEGO!

Marie has just shown you the pictures of her in her supermarket, so here are Sebastian and I at a wedding in my church.
The church is a real church located on the island in the middle of Denmark, Samsø, where I grew up.





There you have it! The church are in minifig scale, and really are that small.

LEGO buns

Brick Fest offers a lot of LEGO related fun. A picnic in the brilliant weather we’re having these days, of course includes these legolicious buns:


LEGO supermarket – finally finished

As mentioned yesterday, Laura and I are spending this weekend in the company of fellow AFOLs at the convention of the Danish AFOL association. Apart from the official stuff (general assembly), there’s a huge MOC competition in which everyone is encouraged to participate. So in spite of our newbie status, Laura and I brought contributions. Laura will tell you about her MOC soon – the cutest little church from her home island. Mine is a supermarket, which you can check out (!) right here:
The overall layout.

The front where I (my sigfig) just came out from the butcher’s with my brand new sausage!





I’d love to hear what you think!