We are going to Berlin! 


And it’s not just me and Sebastian, Marie is there too! It’s just a little vacation, but I’m really looking forward to it! Copenhagen is my hometown, Dublin is my second hometown, but Berlin will always be my favorite city! 

A fun story about Sebastian. The racecar driver is my favorite minifig, and he was quickly named Sebastian after German Formula 1 driver Sebastian Vettel. Vettel is now driving for Ferrari as of this season, and even though I’m not a Ferrari fan, it pleases me, since the race outfit now fits in color. And also because he’s back in a winning car, but that’s a whole other story. 

I will join Marie in Berlin tomorrow, and I asked her – she remembered her Minifig, so we will post some of our adventures, here and on Facebook. Stay tuned! 

My sigfig went brick diving

Can you find her?
